About Us

Kyros Issuance Lux is a Luxembourg securitisation fund (fonds de titrisation) within the meaning of the Luxembourg act dated 22 March 2004 on securitisation

Solution Partners SARL, a private limited liability company (société à responsabilité limitée) incorporated under the laws of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg acting in its capacity as management company (société de gestion) of Kyros Issuance Lux.

Kyros Issuance Lux has the ability to open infinite ringfenced compartments which will act as issuer of the notes/certificates emitted.

Relevant Entities

Management Company

Solution Partners SARL

16, Rue Eugène Ruppert

2453 Luxembourg

The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg

Securitisation Fund

Kyros Issuance Lux

16, Rue Eugène Ruppert

2453 Luxembourg

The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg


The relevant Compartment

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